Litter L2

1 rok, 5 miesięcy i 23 dni

Ojciec / Father
Ackra's Aurelio
Matka / Mother

Młodzieżowy Champion Polski

Champion Polski

Champion Węgier

Grand Champion Polski

La Mora Super Charty
Umaszczenie / Colour

Liamek to nasza kochana błękitna perełka. To śliczny, niewielki piesek o bardzo czułej osobowości. Czeka na każdym kroku aby się przytulić do człowieka, a robi to z namaszczeniem i czerpie z tego ogromną radość.

Liam to niewielki błękitny chłopczyk o cudownym spojrzeniu, ciepłym charakterze. Sylwetka naszego chłopca jest pięknie zbudowana, proporcjonalna a główka delikatna aczkolwiek samcza. Maluszek odziedziczył piękny, charcikowy, wydajny sposób poruszania się po hiszpańskim ojcu Ackra's Aurelio.

Poza  swoim spokojnym usposobienia ma w sobie zacięcie coursingowe i kocha gonić wszystko co ucieka. 

Liamek is our beloved blue gem. He is a beautiful, small dog with a very affectionate personality. He is waiting at every step to hug a person. He does it with reverence, strongly and derives great joy from it. Liam is a small blue boy with wonderful eyes and a warm character. Our boy's figure is beautifully built, well-proportioned, and the head is delicate, but male. The baby inherited the beautiful, greyhound-like, efficient way of moving from his Spanish father, Ackra's Aurelio. I think it will be a great choice for a person who would like to show their greyhound at exhibitions or take it to coursing events, because in addition to its calm disposition, it has a coursing streak and loves to chase everything that runs away. It will work well at home, where you will be close to the person and will be taken to various places with him. This is not a dog that will be happy sitting alone at home for 8 hours waiting for its owner to come home from work. Liam needs a lot of contact and closeness with people.

Leo, LitterL2

