Szczenięta  Puppies



Trevon LitterT3


Uzuri LitterU3


Vaadin LitterV3


Volcanash LitterV3


Volt LitterV3


Wesley Snipes LitterW3


Winona Rider LitterW3


Xuliusz LitterX3


Xulla LitterX3


Yoshiko LitterY3


Yoshimi LitterY3


Yukiko LitterY3


Yumiko LitterY3

Aktualności NEWS

Anna Szkudlarz, 25.07.2024 11

Gorący lipiec na ringach i wśród szczeniaczków!Hot July in the rings and among puppies!

Lipiec nie zaskoczył nas upałami niczym na Saharze i ulewnymi deszczami. Pomimo tego realizowaliśmy swój wystawowy plan! 

July did not surprise us with heat like in the Sahara and heavy rains. Despite this, we implemented our exhibition plan!

Czytaj /

#Tagi / #Tags

italian greyhound, charcik włoski, wystawa psów, dogs show,

Anna Szkudlarz, 30.06.2024 83

Czerwiec miesiącem bardzo pracowitym!June is a very busy month!

Czerwiec był miesiącem bardzo różnorodnym pod kątem wydarzeń hodowlanych.

June was a very diverse month in terms of breeding events.

Czytaj /

#Tagi / #Tags

Flamenco, Xanthippe, Guarana, Kim Flo, Pellegrina,Socorro, Velocity, charcik włoski, borzoj, italian greyhound

Anna Szkudlarz, 10.06.2024 110

Badania okulistyczne szczeniąt w naszej hodowli. Czy charciki są podatne na chroroby okulistyczne?Ophthalmological examinations of puppies from our breeding.

Pierwsze badanie okulistyczne szczeniąt w naszej hodowli.


 Today we had a wonderful guest in our house. A great veterinary ophthalmologist came to see our puppies. She is one of the few in Poland who is an ECVO certified ophthalmologist

 Let's start with what an ECVO ophthalmologist means

ECVO is also known as the "European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists". It is the only organization specializing in animal ophthalmology officially recognized by the European Council of Veterinary Specialties. ECVO grants special powers to veterinarians, thanks to which they have the right to carry out special eye examinations in dogs and cats for congenital and hereditary diseases. After performing such an examination, veterinarians issue a certificate to the diagnosed dogs, which confirms their exemplary eye health. The examination involves assessing neuro-ophthalmic reflexes, assessing the anterior segment of the eye and assessing the inside of the eyeball. Gonioscopy is also performed in Italian Greyhounds to exclude a predisposition to glaucoma. Of course, if any irregularities are found during the examination, everything is recorded on the printout. 

Such examination is particularly important in the case of purebred dogs that have a genetic predisposition. For many years, we have been regularly examining all dogs in our home ophthalmologically. So far, we can boast of really great health of our italian greyhounds. Not once has an ophthalmological examination revealed any hereditary or congenital disease. All dogs from our kennel have perfect ophthalmological examination results and we have never heard of any ophthalmological ailments in puppies from our kennel, and we are in contact with almost all owners of our italian greyhound children. This means that the lines we work with and select.

 So why did we decide to examine the puppies leaving our kennel for ophthalmological tests? Only for the peace of mind of future owners and to monitor the health of our dogs. In some kennels, occur congenital cataracts, where a italian greyhound loses its sight at a young age. I can't imagine how much stress it would be for the owner and young dog. To avoid this and simply be sure, we issue an ECVO test certificate along with the layette, which guarantees that the puppy left our home with normal eyesight and no congenital defects. Both me and the owners can sleep peacefully. 

 This month we examined 13 Italian Greyhound puppies and each of them is free from ophthalmological diseases.

Our kennel  is located quite far from large cities, where specialists who can issue such certificates usually welcome us. Until recently, the closest ophthalmologist treated ECVO in Warsaw. I can't imagine going on such a long and tiring long journey with puppies for tests. Fortunately, recently our friend, vet. Katarzyna Piela, who studied veterinary medicine with me at the University of Warmia and Mazury, obtained ECVO ophthalmology qualifications and from now on we can perform such an examination in my place of residence or in Toruń, which is much more achievable for us. 

Kasia has two greyhounds from our breeding farm - Romaika and Hokey Pokey, which became models in her ophthalmologist's office, promoting ophthalmological examinations among owners and breeders.

Thank you Kasia!

Czytaj /

#Tagi / #Tags

Lek.wet. Katarzyna Piela, okulista, weterynarz, choroby oczu u charcika, badanie oczu, wyprawka charcika

Anna Szkudlarz, 31.05.2024 285

Majowe podsumowanie naszego życia hodowlanego.May summary of our breeding life.

Maj zaczął się u nas bardzo intensywnie!

May started very intensively for us!

Czytaj /

#Tagi / #Tags

Flamenco Super Charty, Guarana Super Charty, italian greyhound, charcik włoski

Anna Szkudlarz, 30.04.2024 222

Podsumowanie wydarzeń w naszej hodowli w kwietniu!Summary of events in our kennel in April!

Podsumowanie wydarzeń w naszej hodowli w kwietniu!

Summary of events in our kennel in April!

Czytaj /

#Tagi / #Tags

Litter V, Litter W, charcik włoski, hodowla charcik włoski, italian greyhound kennel, puppies

Anna Szkudlarz, 31.03.2024 243

#Tagi / #Tags

Miot U, Udahlia, Uzuri, Urijah, Ultron